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  • To provide various opportunities for the healthy life of the people. I want to keep thinking and provide the best service.

    We will create a new world with your future, dreams, and vision at BEXPHRAM KOREA, which aims to achieve customer satisfaction by increasing the value of customers and creatively challenge the best.

    Greeting! Thank you very much for your interest in BEXPHRAM KOREA.

    Recruitment summary

    • Recruitment field and responsible work - Sales/Echcal: Specialist medicine sales / University hospitals & hospitals and clinics
      • - Sales: Specialist medicine Sales
      • - Echical: University hospitals, Hospitals and Clinics
    • Academic background and major - No major restrictions( 4-year college degree or higher)

    Formulation method

    Working-level interviews, executive interviews, and language (English) TEST The screening schedule will be notified individually by e-mail only to successful applicants.

    Application method

    Please download the job application form from our website ( and register it by email or mail.

    Application period

    Recruitment of occasional recruitment - When recruiting appropriate personnel in each field of recruitment;

    Submitted documents at the time of interview

    • • One copy of the transcript of the entire year of college (including graduate transcripts)
    • • Certificate of experience: Part 1 (including certificate of operation company if transferred)
    • • Copy of certificate: 1 copy (only for holders, except driver's license)

    < Other matters >

    • • All submitted documents shall not be contrary and shall not be used for any purpose other than this employment.
    • • Submission documents may be canceled if there is a false re-fact.
    • • Persons eligible for veterans benefits are given preferential treatment in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
    • • For other questions regarding employment, please contact Korea BEXPHARM Pharmaceutical headquarters (Tel. 02-3283-7700).


    BexpharmKorea Ltd. | CEO : Gyebum Yoon | Tel : (+82)02-3453-8866 | Fax : (+82)02-3453-8868 | E-mail: 51, Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

    Copyright ⓒ BexpharmKorea Ltd. All Rights Reserved.