To provide various opportunities for the healthy life of the people. I want to keep thinking and provide the best service.
BexpharmKorea Ltd. seeks to maintain client-centered management with respect for human beings. Ever since the foundation of the company in 2001, we have been offering high quality customer satisfaction and convenience to keep our continued and close relationship with the customers. New medicines are being introduced but there is lack of supply for the demand. We continue to excel in providing appropriate care for the patients without cure or appropriate cure available. We BexpharmKorea will provide top quality products with excellent service to provide value that you deserve and we are reaching for the top with the creativity, providing finest customer satisfaction, and we're will be a beautiful company to you always.
Success of a company may depend on its people who comprise the company as employees and each and every one of them count. Bexpham focuses on humanity and its impartial personnel management enables its employees to develop and maximize their personal ablities.
Trust is the foundation of its pleration. Therefore Bexpharm has a company culture of delegating its authority to its employees and sharing with them the profits emhanced by self-motivated productivity.
Every member of Bexpharm contributes to the atomosphere of trying his/her best to become an essential asset to the company. Bexpham also values an indivisual who has the spirit of challenging a goal with creative ideas.
BexpharmKorea Ltd. | CEO : Gyebum Yoon | Tel : (+82)02-3453-8866 | Fax : (+82)02-3453-8868 | E-mail: 51, Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Copyright ⓒ BexpharmKorea Ltd. All Rights Reserved.